Completeness I

January 1, 2016*

*Last modified 11-Nov-19

Tags: math, analysis, teaching

Last semester, I helped a friend review McGill’s Analyis 3 course by trying to provide a better feel for completeness; this post will be a slightly edited version of that. Originally, I wanted to write about both completeness and compactness, and their connections, but I ended up only getting to completeness, and actually not everything I wanted to talk about. So I’ll call this Completeness I, leaving open the possibility for more of these in the future. Hopefully the style is casual and expository without being misleading.


In any metric space, every convergent sequence is Cauchy: if the points are clustering around the limit point, then they must become close.

On the other hand, if a sequence is Cauchy and has a convergent subsequence, then it is convergent: If all terms are close, and some terms are eventually close to the limiting value xx, then all terms are eventually close to the limiting valueUsing the triangle inequality, d(x,xn)d(x,xnk)+d(xnk,xn)d(x,x_n) \leq d(x, x_{n_k}) + d(x_{n_k}, x_n)

. This is an equivalence of course: if a sequence is convergent, then it is both Cauchy and has a convergent subsequence.

A metric space XX is complete if every Cauchy sequence converges. We will see that completeness means what it’s name suggests: there are no missing bits.

We immediately have then have that a metric space XX is complete if every sequence has a convergent subsequence. This condition is called sequential compactness; we just saw that sequential compactness implies completeness, but completeness alone will not guarantee us sequential compactness.

What does it mean?

We have a condition, completeness; let us start by seeing how well-behaved it is. First, XX and YY are complete spaces iff X×YX\times Y is complete, since both Cauchyness and convergence just pass to the components. More interestingly, are subspaces of complete metric spaces also complete?

Proposition 1 Consider a complete metric space (Y,d)(Y,d), and a subspace (X,d)(X,d). Then (X,d)(X,d) is complete if and only if XX is a closed subset of YY.

The proof goes by noticing that the property of Cauchyness does not require a limiting value, and only depends on the elements in the sequence. So a sequence (xn)(x_n) that has each element in XX is Cauchy in YY iff it is Cauchy in XX. The connection to closedness is that to be closed means to contain all of the limit points. So we start by considering XX as a subset of YY, and looking at its limit points and thus sequences which converge in YY but whose elements are contained in XX. Then since Cauchyness is equivalent to convergence in YY, we pass to Cauchy sequences, which then lets us consider sequences in XX. The proof is short, and feels a little magical to me.

clXX(xn)convergent in Y with xnXn,thenlimYxnX(xn)Cauchy in Y with xnXn,thenlimYxnX(xn)Cauchy in X with xnXn,thenlimXxn existsX is complete.\begin{aligned} \operatorname{cl}X \subseteq X &\iff \forall\, (x_n)\,\text{convergent in }Y\text{ with } x_n\in X\,\,\forall n,\,\text{then} \, \lim_Y x_n \in X \\&\iff \forall\, (x_n)\,\text{Cauchy in }Y\text{ with } x_n\in X\,\,\forall n,\,\text{then} \, \lim_Y x_n \in X \\&\iff \forall\, (x_n)\,\text{Cauchy in }X\text{ with } x_n\in X\,\,\forall n,\,\text{then} \, \lim_X x_n \text{ exists} \\&\iff X \text{ is complete.} \end{aligned}

This is our first hint that completeness means we aren’t missing bits, and also what kind of "bits’’ we might be missing: the only way to lose completeness by getting rid of some of our space is by lacking limit points.

We can look at a similar type of bit we might be missing: the infinite intersection of closed sets. We say a sequence of sets A1A2A3A_1\supseteq A_2\supseteq A_3\supseteq \ldots is contracting if limnsup{d(x,y):x,yAn}=0. \lim_{n\to\infty} \sup \{ d(x,y): x,y \in A_n\} =0.

This leads us to a theorem:

Theorem 1 (Cantor Intersection Theorem) Given a metric space (X,d)(X,d), the following are equivalent:

  1. XX is complete.

  2. For any contracting sequence FnF_n of non-empty closed subsets of XX, there exists xXx\in X such that n=1Fn={x}. \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty F_n = \{x\}.

(Sketch). To show (1)(2)(1)\Rightarrow(2), we simply take a sequence xnFnx_n \in F_n and show it’s Cauchy, using the contracting condition. Completeness gives us a limit point, and since each set is closed, the limit point is in each FnF_n. A final application of the contracting condition gives us uniqueness.

On the other hand, given a Cauchy sequence (xn)(x_n), we can define a contracting(xn)(x_n) being Cauchy gives us the contracting condition.

sequence of closed sets by Fn=cl{xk:kn}F_n = \operatorname{cl}\{x_k: k\geq n\}; then (2) gives us convergence.

There are more ways complete spaces are determined by missing bits. Let’s upgrade to a normed space.

Proposition 2 Let (V,)(V,\|\cdot\|) be a normed space. Then the following are equivalent:

  1. VV is complete.

  2. If vjVv_j\in V for j=1,2,j=1,2,\dotsc are such that j=1vj<\sum_{j=1}^\infty \|v_j\| \lt \infty, then there exists vVv\in V with Recall that limnj=1nvj=v\lim_{n\to\infty} \sum_{j=1}^n v_j = v means limnj=1nvjv=0\lim_{n\to\infty} \| \sum_{j=1}^n v_j - v\| = 0.

    limnj=1nvj=v. \lim_{n\to\infty} \sum_{j=1}^n v_j = v.

(Sketch). To show (1)(2)(1)\Rightarrow(2), we just note that the partial sums sn=j=1nvjs_n = \sum_{j=1}^n v_j form a Cauchy sequenceusing the absolute convergence of the norms

, and hence converge to some vVv\in V.

For (2)(1)(2)\Rightarrow(1), consider a Cauchy sequence (xn)(x_n) in VV. By our earlier remarks, we only need to find a convergent subsequence. Choose nkn_k For a general Cauchy sequence, we don’t know how fast the terms get close together. So we exploit that they do get close to choose a subsequence where the terms get close exponentially fast.

such that if m,nnkm,n\geq n_k then xmxn<2k\|x_m - x_n\| \lt 2^{-k}; wlog, we can take nk>nk1n_k \gt n_{k-1} so that we have a legitimate subsequence. Note in particular, xnk+1xnk<2k\|x_{n_{k+1}} - x_{n_k}\| \lt 2^{-k}. Now, we’ll write the telescoping sum xnkxn1=k=1n1xnk+1xnkx_{n_k} - x_{n_1} = \sum_{k=1}^{n-1} x_{n_k+1} - x_{n_k} in order to use (2): since

k=1xnk+1xnkk=12k=1<,\begin{aligned} \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \|x_{n_k+1} - x_{n_k}\| \leq \sum_{k=1}^\infty 2^{-k} = 1 \lt \infty,\end{aligned}

  1. tells us that xnkxn1=k=1n1xnk+1xnkVxVx_{n_k} - x_{n_1}=\sum_{k=1}^{n-1} x_{n_k+1} - x_{n_k} \xrightarrow{V} x\in V.

Thus, xnkxxn1Vx_{n_k} \to x - x_{n_1} \in V, and we’ve found a convergent subsequence to (xn)(x_n).

If (2) holds, we also have vj=1vj\|v\| \leq \sum_{j=1}^\infty \|v_j\|.

(Proof of remark). We use the triangle inequality on the partial sums sn=j=1nvjs_n = \sum_{j=1}^n v_j to obtain

snj=1nvj.\begin{aligned} \|s_n\| \leq \sum_{j=1}^n \|v_j\|.\end{aligned}

and note that LHS and RHS here are convergent sequences of real numbersReverse triangle tells us snvsnv0| \|s_n\| - \|v\| | \leq \|s_n - v\| \to 0, so snRv\|s_n\| \xrightarrow{\mathbb{R}} \|v\|.

so we can take the limit nn\to \infty to get the bound on v\|v\|.

So we have that complete normed spaces include infinite sums of elements, if the sum of the norms converges.

Okay, enough meandering. Let (X,dX)(X,d_X) be a metric space. Then (Y,dY)(Y,d_Y) is a completion of (X,dX)(X,d_X) if (X,dX)(X,d_X) is isometric An isometry is f:XYf:X\to Y such that for all x,yXx,y\in X, dY(f(x),f(y))=dX(x,y)d_Y(f(x),f(y)) = d_X(x,y).

to a dense subspace of (Y,dY)(Y,d_Y).

Theorem 2 (Completions) Every metric space has a completion which is unique up to an isometry.

If XX isn’t itself complete, this tells us why our Cauchy sequences aren’t all converging in XX: they are "converging’’ to a missing point, a point in the completion. If we think about XX as a subset of YY (via the isometry), then all the missing points are just limit points of our set XX: a sequence being Cauchy is equivalent to the sequence being convergent in a larger space.

What is it good for?

Now that we have a good grasp on completeness, we’d like to exploit it to the fullest. Completeness will give us the following:

  • Contraction mappings on complete spaces have a unique fixed point
  • Uniformly continuous functions with complete codomainsthe space you’re mapping into

    can be extended.
  • Countable intersections of open and dense sets are dense in complete spaces.This is the Baire-Category Theorem.

The third point can be reformulated as the countable union of closed sets with empty interior has empty interiorI might say this as "In a complete space, you can’t make an interior by a countable union.’’

, and also leads to two important results: the open mapping theorem and the Banach-Steinhaus theorem, each of which may be discussed in future posts.

Let’s look briefly at each.

A contraction mapping on a metric space (X,d)(X,d) is a map f:XXf: X\to X such that for some 0α<10 \leq \alpha \lt 1,

d(f(x),f(y))αd(x,y) d(f(x), f(y)) \leq \alpha d(x,y)

for all x,yXx,y \in X.

Theorem 3 (Banach fixed point) A contraction f:XXf: X\to X has a unique fixed point. That is, there exists unique xXx\in X such that f(x)=xf(x)=x.

(Sketch). If ff had two fixed points f(x)=xf(x) = x and f(y)=yf(y) = y, the contraction definition would give us a contradiction unless x=yx=y.

To find the fixed point, we choose x0Xx_0\in X arbitrarily, then make a sequence xn=f(xn1)x_n = f(x_{n-1}). That is, xn=fffn times(x0)x_n = \underbrace{f\circ f \circ \dotsm \circ f}_{n\text{ times}} (x_0). Since ff is contracting, if we apply it enough times it stops moving.

Since two consecutive terms are exponentially close by contraction:

d(xn+1,xn)=d(f(xn),f(xn1))αd(xn,xn1)αnd(x1,x0),\begin{aligned} d(x_{n+1},x_n) = d(f(x_n), f(x_{n-1}))\leq \alpha d(x_n, x_{n-1})\leq \alpha^n d(x_1,x_0),\end{aligned}

we can triangle inequality d(xn,xm)d(x_n,x_m) by putting in all the consecutive terms, and estimate with a geometric series αmk=1αk=αm1α\alpha^m\sum_{k=1}^\infty \alpha^k = \frac{\alpha^m}{1-\alpha} to find Cauchyness. Then completeness gives us convergence, and moreover,

limxn=limxn+1=limf(xn)=f(limxn)\begin{aligned} \lim x_{n} = \lim x_{n+1} = \lim f(x_n) = f( \lim x_n)\end{aligned}

since contractions are continuous.

Given a uniformly continuous map with a dense domain, when can we extend it to a uniformly continuous map on the whole metric space? This then is simply a question of defining ff on the limit points of its domainFor instance, if f:(0,1)RRf: (0,1) \subset \mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R} is uniformly continuous, when can I extend it to f~:[0,1]R\tilde{f}: [0,1]\to \mathbb{R} in a way that preserves uniform continuity?


Proposition 3 If f:XYf:X\to Y is a uniformly continuous map between metric spaces, then ff maps Cauchy sequences in XX to Cauchy sequences in YY.

(Sketch). One only needs to apply uniform continuity to the definition of a Cauchy sequence. Uniformity is needed to compare the image of any two elements of the sequence far enough along.

This proposition motivates the proof: we use that Cauchyness is defined without needing a limit point so that we can use ff to map Cauchy sequences in the domain to Cauchy sequences in the codomain without needing to act ff on a limit point.

Theorem 4 (Banach fixed point) Let XX and YY be metric space and suppose YY is complete. Let AXA\subset X be dense, and f:AYf: A\to Y uniformly continuous. Then there is a unique uniformly continuous extension f~:XY\tilde{f}: X\to Y.

(Sketch). We use the uniformity of the continuity twice here: once to map Cauchy to Cauchy, and once to get uniformity of our extension out of uniformity of ff. If we only wanted a continuous extension, we wouldn’t need uniformity in the second usage, but we still need uniformity to map Cauchy to Cauchy. So we can’t use this method to prove that we can make continuous extensions from continuous functions. In fact, we cannot always extend continuous functionsIf we replace dense with closed and the codomain is [1,1][-1,1], then we can extend continuous functions (this is the Tietze Extension Theorem), but this has nothing to do with completeness, so we won’t discuss this further here.

. For example, the set A=(0,1)RA = (0,1)\subset \mathbb{R} is dense in [0,1][0,1], and f:A[1,1],xsin(1/x)f: A \to [-1,1],\, x \mapsto \sin(1/x) is continuous, but has no continuous extension (can’t define at zero).

To define f~\tilde{f} on xx, a limit point of AA, we choose a sequence (xn)(x_n) in AA which converges to xx. This sequence is Cauchy, so f(xn)f(x_n) converges in YY. So we define our extension as f~(x)=limYf(xn)\tilde{f}(x) = \lim_Y f(x_n).

To show this is well-defined, given two sequences (xn)(x_n) and (yn)(y_n) in AA converging to xx, we intertwine them to create (zn)(z_n) in AA converging to xx; then limf(zn)\lim f(z_n) exists so its two subsequence f(xn)f(x_n) and f(yn)f(y_n) must share the same limit.

To show f~\tilde{f} is uniformly continuous, we consider two limit points xx and yy with sequences (xn)(x_n) and (yn)(y_n) in AA converging to xx and yy. We want to show if xx is close enough to yy, then f~(x)\tilde{f}(x) is close to f~(y)\tilde{f}(y). For large nn, xnx_n is close to yny_n, so by uniform continuity of ff, dY(f(xn),f(yn))d_Y(f(x_n),f(y_n)) is small. But by continuity of the metric,

d(f(xn),f(yn))nd(f~(x),f~(y)). d(f(x_n),f(y_n)) \xrightarrow{n\to\infty} d(\tilde{f}(x), \tilde{f}(y)).

Uniqueness follows from the uniqueness of limits: any two continuous extensions hh and gg must agree on AA, and by continuity must then agree on limit points.

Onto the Baire Category Theorem (BCT). This theorem is sometimes stated in different but equivalent ways; we’ll start with one statement, and then show equivalence to a second.

Theorem 5 (Baire Category Theorem; Jaksic) We can think of BCT as another way in which complete spaces are not missing bits: open and dense is a strong condition, close to every point and filled in around each point, so if our space isn’t missing bits the intersection should still be populated.

Let XX be a complete metric space and {On}n=1\{O_n\}_{n=1}^\infty be a countable collection of open and dense sets in XX. Then n=1On\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty O_n is dense in XX.

(Sketch). We need to show for any open set OO, On=1OnO\cap \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty O_n is nonempty. We will inductively create a Cauchy sequence (xn)(x_n) which will converge to a point in this intersection, using the density of OjO_j at each step.

We are exploiting density and openness crucially here: near each point we have something in OnO_n, and near that something we have enough points to start afresh, and look for a point in On+1O_{n+1}.

First, since OO1O\cap O_1 is nonempty since O1O_1 is dense, and open since both sets are, we find some ball B(x1,ϵ)OO1B(x_1,\epsilon) \subset O\cap O_1. Then we shrink the radius to some r1<ϵr_1 \lt \epsilon to obtain clB(x1,r1)OO1\operatorname{cl}B(x_1,r_1) \subset O\cap O_1. This ball B(x1,r1)B(x_1,r_1) serves as our "OO’’ in the next step; we intersect with O2O_2, find some element and a ball around it in the intersection, and repeat. We can take the radius to shrink by at least rn<1/nr_n \lt 1/n in each step, and recover a Cauchy sequence (xn)(x_n) with

xncl(B(xn,rn))OnB(xn1,rn1). x_n \in \operatorname{cl}(B(x_n,r_n)) \subset O_n \cap B(x_{n-1},r_{n-1}).

This tail argument is why we bother messing with the closed balls earlier; we want to guarantee our limit is in the intersection.

Our shrinking radii rn<1nr_n \lt \frac{1}{n} yields that (xn)(x_n) is Cauchy, and completeness gives a limit x=limxnx = \lim x_n. Since the tail {xn:nk}cl(B(xk,rk))\{ x_n: n\geq k\} \subset \operatorname{cl}(B(x_k,r_k)) for each kk, we have that the limit is in each closed ball too; each clB(xk,rk)Ok\operatorname{cl}B(x_k,r_k) \subset O_k, and the first ball is in OO so the limit xOn=1Onx\in O\cap \bigcap_{n=1}^\infty O_n.

The theorem fails for non-complete spaces: if we enumerate the rationals as Q={r1,r2,}\mathbb{Q}= \{r_1,r_2,\ldots\}, the sets Q{rn}\mathbb{Q}\setminus \{r_n\} are open and dense, but the intersection is empty.

Now, we’ve formulated a statement for open sets; we can take complements, and find

Corollary 1 Let XX be a complete metric space and {Fn}n=1\{F_n\}_{n=1}^\infty be closed sets with empty interior. Then n=1Fn\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty F_n has empty interior.

(Sketch). A set AA is dense iff AcA^c has empty interior. Why?

  • If AA is dense, then for xAcx\in A^c, there exists AxnxA\ni x_n \to x. But then for any ball B(x,ϵ)B(x,\epsilon), there is some xnB(x,ϵ)x_n \in B(x,\epsilon), so B(x,ϵ)̸AcB(x,\epsilon) \not \subseteq A^c.
  • On the other hand, if AA has empty interior, then for any xAx\in A, B(x,1/n)̸AB(x,1/n) \not \subseteq A, so we can take xnB(x,1/n)Acx_n \in B(x,1/n) \cap A^c. Then xnxx_n\to x. For any xAcx\in A^c, the constant sequence xxx\to x. So for any point xX=AAcx\in X = A\cup A^c, we can find a sequence in AcA^c converging to xx.

Using this, by taking complements of the FnF_n, applying BCT, then taking a complement again we obtain the result.

If we do not decide to take that last complement, we get

Theorem 6 (BCT; Drury) Let XX be a complete metric space and {Fn}n=1\{F_n\}_{n=1}^\infty be closed sets with empty interior. Then Xn=1FnX\setminus \bigcup_{n=1}^\infty F_n is dense in XX.

We then have the remark that for XX any (nonempty) complete metric space, XX cannot be written as the countable union of closed sets with empty interiorUsing the contrapositive of this, since Q=n=1{rn}\mathbb{Q}= \bigcup_{n=1}^\infty \{r_n\}, we have that Q\mathbb{Q} cannot be complete.


This quickly solves a question: Can we shrink open sets around the rationals to obtain Q\mathbb{Q}? No, not if we are shrinking by countable intersections. This agrees with my intuition, but without BCT, I wouldn’t know how to prove it.

(Proof by BCT). If Q=j=1Uj\mathbb{Q}= \bigcap_{j=1}^\infty U_j for sets UjU_j open in R\mathbb{R}, then we could write

R=QQc=n=1{rn}j=1Ujc.\begin{aligned} \mathbb{R}= \mathbb{Q}\cup \mathbb{Q}^c = \bigcup_{n=1}^\infty \{r_n\} \cup \bigcup_{j=1}^\infty U_j^c.\end{aligned}

Each of these sets is closed, and we have a countable union. So our last remark to BCT says they cannot all have empty interior. But the {rn}\{r_n\} have empty interior, so some UjcU_j^c must have an interior; since Q\mathbb{Q} is dense, we have QUjc\mathbb{Q}\cap U_j^c\neq \emptyset. But UjcQcU_j^c \subseteq \mathbb{Q}^c, so QUjc=\mathbb{Q}\cap U_j^c = \emptyset.